検索結果 5 件

  1. <AA00782578> Proceedings of the Association of Medical Officers of American Institute for Idiotic and Feeble-minded Persons. -- 1 (1876)-20 (1895).
  2. <AA00253282> Journal of psycho-asthenics : devoted to the care, training and treatment of the feeble-minded and of the epileptic. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1896)-[44 (1939/40)].
  3. <AA00021786> American journal of mental deficiency / American Association on Mental Deficiency. -- 45 (1940)-v. 92, no. 2 (Sept. 1987).
  4. <AA10668364> American journal on mental retardation : AJMR. -- Vol. 92, no. 3 (Nov. 1987)-v. 113, no. 6 (Nov. 2008).
  5. <AA12377420> American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities : AJIDD. -- Vol. 114, no. 1 (Jan. 2009)-.