検索結果 22 件
<AA00027523> Annuaire international de statistique agricole / Institut international d'agriculture. -- 1909 (1909)-1925/1926 (1925/1926).
<AA00301115> Monthly bulletin of food and agricultural statistics / Food and Agriculture Organization. -- 1 (1948)-5 (1952).
<AA00642116> An annual review of world production, consumption and trade of fertilizers / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. -- (1951)-1959 (1959).
<AA00221027> International yearbook of agricultural statistics / International Institute of Agriculture. -- 1926/1927 (1926/1927)-1941/1946 (1941/1946).
<AA00289064> Monthly bulletin of agricultural economics and statistics / Economics Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. -- 1 (1952)-26 (1977).
<AA0018914X> Fertilizers : an annual review of world production, consumption and trade / Food and Agriculture Organization. -- 1960 (1960)-1969 (1969).
<AA00492363> Yearbook of food and agricultural statistics = Annuaire de statistiques agricoles et alimentaires / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. -- 1947 (1947)-1947 (1947).
<AA0018787X> FAO monthly bulletin of statistics = Boletin mensual FAO de estadisticas / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (1978)-v. 10, no. 12 (1987).
<AA0005359X> Annual fertilizer review / Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations. -- (1970)-.
<AA0064266X> Yearbook of food and agricultural statistics. Volume I, Production / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations = Annuaire de statistiques agricoles et alimentaires. Tome I, Production / Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture. -- [Vol. 2] (1948)-v. 11 (1957).
<AA00642772> Yearbook of food and agricultural statistics. II, Trade / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations = Annuaire de statistiques agricoles et alimentaires. II, Commerce / Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture. -- [Vol. 2] (1948)-v. 11 (1957).
<AA10708108> FAO quarterly bulletin of statistics = Bulletin trimestriel FAO de statistiques = Boletín trimestral FAO de estadísticas. -- Vol. 1, 1 (1988)-v. 12, 3/4 (1999).
> FAO fertilizer yearbook = Annuaire FAO des engrais = Anuario FAO de fertilizantes / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. -- 1978 (1978)-1978 (1978) ; V. 29 (1979)-v. 36 (1986).
> Production yearbook = Annuaire de la production = Anuario de produccion / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. -- Vol. 12 (1958)-v. 29 (1975).
> Trade yearbook / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. -- Vol. 12 (1958)-v. 29 (1975).
<AA11504340> FAO bulletin of statistics = Bulletin FAO de statistiques = Boletín FAO de estadísticas = 粮农组织统计公报. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (2000)-v. 4, no. 2 (2003).
<AA10748292> FAO yearbook. Fertilizer = FAO annuaire. Engrais = FAO anuario. Fertilizantes / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. -- Vol. 37 (1987)-v. 53 (2003).
> FAO production yearbook = Annuaire FAO de la production = Anuario FAO de producción / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. -- Vol. 30 (1976)-v. 40 (1986).
> FAO trade yearbook = Annuaire FAO du commerce = Anuario FAO de comercio / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. -- Vol. 30 (1976)-v. 40 (1986).
<AA1204169X> FAO statistical yearbook = Annuaire statistique de la FAO = Anuario estadístico de la FAO = 粮农组织统计年鉴. -- Vol. 1, 1 (2004)-v. 2, 2 (2005/2006) ; 2012 (2012)-.
> FAO yearbook. Production = FAO annuaire. Production = FAO anuario. Producción. -- Vol. 41 (1987)-v. 57 (2003).
<AA10734549> FAO yearbook. Trade = FAO annuaire. Commerce = FAO anuario. Comercio. -- Vol. 41 (1987)-v. 57 (2003).