検索結果 11 件

  1. <AA00706401> Journal and proceedings / Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland. -- -1942 (1942).
  2. <AA00782986> Abstracts of the proceedings of the Chemical Society. -- 1 (1885)-5 (1889).
  3. <AA00706412> Journal and proceedings / Royal Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain and Ireland. -- (1943)-(1949).
  4. <AA00782975> Proceedings of the Chemical Society. -- 6 (1890)-30 (1914) ; 1915 (1915)-1964 (1964).
  5. <AA00706387> Journal / the Royal Institute of Chemistry. -- (1949)-v. 88 (Jan. 1964).
  6. <AA0012789X> Chemical communications / Chemical Society, London. -- 1965/1 (13 Jan. 1965)-1968/24 (18 Dec. 1968).
  7. <AA00603260> Chemistry in Britain. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1965)-v. 39, no. 12 (Dec. 2003).
  8. <AA00247075> Journal of the Chemical Society. D, Chemical communications. -- 1969, no. 1 (8 Jan. 1969)-1971, no. 24 (22 Dec. 1971).
  9. <AA11908725> Chemistry world. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 2004)-.
  10. <AA00695098> Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical communications / the Chemical Society. -- 1972, no. 1 (5 Jan. 1972)-1995, no. 24 (21 Dec. 1995).
  11. <AA11071130> Chemical communications : chem comm / the Royal Society of Chemistry. -- 1996, no. 1 (7 Jan. 1996)-2009, no. 48 (28 Dec. 2009) ; V. 46, no. 1 (7 Jan. 2010)-.