検索結果 4 件

  1. <AA10787159> Transactions of the I.R.E. Professional Group on Vehicular Communications / the Institute of Radio Engineers. -- PGVC-1 (Feb. 1952)-PGVC-4 (June 1954).
  2. <AA00222799> IEEE transactions on vehicular communications / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. -- Vol. VC-12, no. 1 (Sept. 1963)-v. VC-15, no. 2 (Oct. 1966).
  3. <AA00668186> IEEE transactions on vehicular technology / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. -- 16 (1967)-.
  4. <AA00223066> IRE transactions on vehicular communications / IRE. -- PGVC-5 (June 1955)-PGVC-13 (Sept. 1959) ; V. VC-9, no. 1 (May 1960)-v. VC-11, no. 1 (Aug. 1962).