検索結果 8 件

  1. <AA00610459> Colloid Symposium monograph : papers and discussion presented at the ... National Symposium on Colloid Chemistry. -- 1st (1923)-6th (1928).
  2. <AA00610448> Colloid Symposium annual : papers presented at the ... Symposium on Colloid Chemistry. -- 7th (June 1929)-7th (June 1929).
  3. <AA00247461> Journal of physical chemistry. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1896)-v. 50, no. 6 (Nov. 1946).
  4. <AA12918349> Colloid Symposium monograph : papers presented at the ... Symposium on Colloid Chemistry. -- 8th (June 1930)-.
  5. <AA00247472> The Journal of physical & colloid chemistry. -- Vol. 51, no. 1 (Jan. 1947)-v. 55, no. 9 (Dec. 1951).
  6. <AA00704789> The journal of physical chemistry. -- Vol. 56 (Jan. 17, 1952)-v. 100, no. 51 (Dec. 19, 1996).
  7. <AA11114051> The Journal of physical chemistry. A. -- Vol. 101, no. 1 (Jan. 2, 1997)-.
  8. <AA11114073> The Journal of physical chemistry. B. -- Vol. 101, no. 1 (Jan. 2, 1997)-.