検索結果 10 件

  1. <AA00343476> Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. -- No. 1 (1836/1837)-v. 10 (1869).
  2. <AA00343487> Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Second series. Science. -- 1 (1870)-4 (1888).
  3. <AA00343498> Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Second series. Polite literature and antiquities. -- Vol. 1 (1870-1878)-v. 2 (1879-88).
  4. <AA00343501> Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Third series. -- Vol. 1 (1889/1891)-v. 7 (1901).
  5. <AA00343512> Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Sect. A, Mathematical, astronomical and physical science / R. Irish Academy. -- -v. 68, no. 6 (Dec. 1969).
  6. <AA00343523> Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section. B, Biological, geological, and chemical science. -- -v. 92, no. 8 (1992).
  7. <AA00343545> Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section C, Archæology, linguistics, and literature. -- Vol. 24 (1902)-.
  8. <AA10474801> Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Sect. A, [Mathematical and physical sciences]. -- Vol. 68, no. 1 ([1969])-v. 97A, no. 2 (Dec. 1997).
  9. <AA10986075> Biology and environment : proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. B. -- Vol. 93, [no. 1] (Mar. 1993)-.
  10. <AA11397954> Mathematical proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. -- Vol. 98A, no. 1 (Sept. 1998)-.