検索結果 4 件

  1. <AA00451082> Transactions of the Modern Language Association of America. -- Vol. 1 (1884/1885)-v. 1 (1884/1885).
  2. <AA0045687X> Transactions and proceedings of the Modern Language Association of America / Modern Language Association of America. -- Vol. 2 (1886)-v. 3 (1887).
  3. <AA10609886> Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. -- Vol. 4, no. 1 (Jan./Mar. 1889)-v. 42, no. 4 (Dec. 1927).
  4. <AA0034707X> PMLA : publications of the Modern Language Association of America / Modern Language Association of America. -- Vol. 43, no. 1 (Mar. 1928)-.