検索結果 5 件

  1. <AA00836305> The Science reports of the Tôhoku Imperial University. Ser. 1, Mathematics, physics, chemistry = 東北帝國大学理科報告. 数學, 物理學, 化學. -- Vol. 1 (1911/1912)-v. 32, no. 1 (1945).
  2. <AA00836338> Science reports of the Tohoku University. Ser. 1, Mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy = 東北大學理科報告. 第1輯, 数學, 物理學, 化學, 天文學. -- 33 (1949)-33 (1949).
  3. <AA00836327> Science reports of the Tohoku University. Ser. 1, Physics, chemistry, astronomy = 東北大學理科報告. 第1輯, 物理學, 化學, 天文學. -- 34 (1950)-62 (1980).
  4. <AA00441828> The science reports of the Tôhoku University. Ser. 8, Physics and astronomy. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (June 1980)-.
  5. <AA10538664> Science reports of the Tohoku University. Ser. 1, Chemistry = 東北大学理科報告. 第1輯, 化学. -- Vol. 63, no. 1 (Dec. 1980)-.