検索結果 7 件

  1. <AA00423859> Science reports of the Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku. Section C. -- Vol. 1 (1932)-v. 2, nos. 13-15 (Mar. 1, 1953).
  2. <AA00537891> Annual report of the Institute of Geoscience, the University of Tsukuba. -- No. 1 (1974)-no. 30 (2003).
  3. <AA00836451> Science reports of the Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku. Section C. -- Vol. 3, no. 16 (Mar. 20, 1954)-v. 13, no. 125-126 (Mar. 25, 1977).
  4. <AA12119094> Tsukuba geoenvironmental sciences / University of Tsukuba. -- Vol. 1 (2005)-.
  5. <AA12218595> Earth Evolution Sciences, University of Tsukuba. -- Vol. 1 (2007)-v. 10 (2016).
  6. <AA00441806> Science reports of the Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba. Section A, Geographical sciences. -- Vol. 1 (Mar. 1980)-v. 26 (Mar. 2005).
  7. <AA00441817> Science reports of the Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba. Section B, Geological sciences. -- Vol. 1 (Mar. 1980)-v. 27 (Mar. 2006).