検索結果 8 件

  1. <AA00507201> Acta crystallographica. -- Vol. 1 (1948)-v. 23, pt. 6 (Dec. 1967).
  2. <AA00620678> Crystal structure communications / the X-Ray Crystallography Group of the University of Parma. -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1972)-v. 11, no. 4 (Oct. 1982).
  3. <AA00507212> Acta crystallographica. Sect. A, Crystal physics, diffraction, theoretical and general crystallography. -- Vol. 24, pt. 1 (Jan. 1968)-v. 38, pt. 6 (Nov. 1982).
  4. <AA00507223> Acta crystallographica. Sect. B, Structural crystallography and crystal chemistry. -- Vol. 24, pt. 1 (Jan. 1968)-v. 38, pt. 12 (15 Dec. 1982).
  5. <AA10631943> Acta Crystallographica. Sect. C, Crystal structure communications. -- Vol. 39, pt. 1 (Jan. 15, 1983)-.
  6. <AA10885500> Acta crystallographica. Sect. D, Biological crystallography. -- Vol. 49, pt. 1 (Jan. 1, 1993)-.
  7. <AA10632017> Acta crystallographica. Sect. A, Foundations of crystallography. -- Vol. 39, pt. 1 (Jan. 1983)-.
  8. <AA10632505> Acta crystallographica. Sect. B, Structural science. -- Vol. 39, pt. 1 (1 Feb. 1983)-.