検索結果 6 件

  1. <AA00799300> Quarterly review of publications of the Polish Academy of Sciences. -- 1 (1955)-12 (1957).
  2. <AA00799322> Quarterly review of scientific publications of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Ossolineum and the Polish scientific publishers. Series A, Social science. -- No. 1 (1958)-no. 16 (1961).
  3. <AA00799333> Quarterly review of scientific publications, Polish Academy of Sciences. Ser. B, Biological sciences / Polish Academy of Sciences. -- 1 (1958)-16 (1961).
  4. <AA00799344> Quarterly review of scientific publications of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Ossolineum and the Polish Scientific Publishers. Series C, Pure and technical sciences. -- 1 (1958)-16 (1961).
  5. <AA00564307> Quarterly review of scientific publications / Polish Academy of Sciences. -- 17 (1962)-44 (1968).
  6. <AA00564293> Bimonthly review of scientific publications / Polish Academy of Sciences, Distribution Centre for Scientific Publications. -- 45 (1969)-.