検索結果 5 件

  1. <AA00732627> Memoirs. Science and technology / Faculty of Industrial Arts, Kyoto Technical University = 京都工藝繊維大學工藝學部研究報告. 理工. -- 1 (1952)-32 (1983).
  2. <AN0005993X> 京都工藝繊維大學工藝學部研究報告. 人文 = Memoirs, Faculty of Industrial Arts, Kyoto Technical University. Humanistic and social sciences / 京都工藝繊維大學工藝學部. -- 1 (1952)-54 (2005).
  3. <AN00059973> 京都工芸繊維大学繊維学部学術報告 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Textile Fibers Kyoto University of Industrial Arts and Textile Fibers / 京都工芸繊維大学繊維学部 [編]. -- 1巻1号 (昭29.3)-30巻 (平18.3).
  4. <AA1052660X> Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering and Design, Kyoto Institute of Technology. Series of science and technology. -- Vol. 33 (1984)-v. 54 (2005).
  5. <AA12313712> 京都工芸繊維大学学術報告書 = Bulletin of Kyoto Institute of Technology. -- 1巻 (平20.3)-.