検索結果 10 件

  1. <AA00667376> Convention record of the I.R.E. -- 1 (1953)-2 (1954).
  2. <AA00667387> IRE convention record. -- 3 (1955)-4 (1956).
  3. <AA00667398> IRE national convention record. -- 5 (1957)-7 (1959).
  4. <AA00667401> IRE international convention record. -- 8 (1960)-10 (1962).
  5. <AA00222631> IEEE International Convention record / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. -- Vol. 11 (1963)-v. 15 (1967).
  6. <AA00667365> IEEE International Convention digest / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. -- (1968)-1972 (1972).
  7. <AA00667321> IEEE intercon technical papers. -- 1973 (1973)-1974 (1974).
  8. <AA00667332> IEEE Intercon Conference record. -- 1975 (1975)-1975 (1975).
  9. <AA00667310> IEEE electro professional program / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. -- 1976 (1976)-.
  10. <AA00179769> Electro conference record.