検索結果 8 件

  1. <AA00796153> Mémoires / Association internationale des ponts et charpentes. -- Vol. 1 (1932)-36, 2 (1976).
  2. <AA00666792> IABSE bulletin = Bulletin AIPC = IVBH bulletin / International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering. -- B-1/77 (1977)-B-55/90 (1990).
  3. <AA00666806> IABSE journal = Journal AIPC = IVBH journal / International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering. -- J-1/77 (1977)-.
  4. <AA00666817> IABSE periodica = Periodica AIPC = IVBH periodica / International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering. -- -4/1990 (1990).
  5. <AA00666828> IABSE proceedings = Mémories AIPC = IVBH Abhandlungen / International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering. -- P-1/77 (1977)-.
  6. <AA00666839> IABSE structures = Constructuons AIPC = IVBH Bauwerke / International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering. -- C-1/77 (1977)-.
  7. <AA0066684X> IABSE surveys = Revues AIPC = IVBH Berichte / International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering. -- S-1/77 (1977)-.
  8. <AA10937262> Structural engineering international : journal of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE). -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Feb. 1991)-.