検索結果 4 件

  1. <AN00163024> Research activities / the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Tokyo Denki University. -- 1巻 (1979)-18巻 (1996).
  2. <AA11184396> 東京電機大学理工学部紀要. No.1, 理工編 = Research activities. No.1, Science and engineering / the College of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Denki University. -- 19巻 (1997)-25巻 (2003).
  3. <AA11184410> 東京電機大学理工学部紀要. No.2, 人文・社会編 = Research activities. No.2, Humanities and social sciences / the College of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Denki University. -- 19巻 (1997)-25巻 (2003).
  4. <AA1188783X> 東京電機大学総合文化研究 = Bulletin of Tokyo Denki University, arts and sciences. -- 1号 (2003)-13号 (2015).