Nye publikationer om europæiske fællesskaber modtaget af biblioteket = Neuerscheinungen über die Europäischen Gemeinschaften eingegangen in der Bibliothek = Προσφατεζ δημοσιευειζ για τιζ ευρωπαικεζ κοινοτητεζ πον εχουν παραληφθει απο τη βιβλιοθηκη = Recent publications on the European Communities received by the library = Publications récentes sur les Communautés européennes reçus par la bibliothèque = Pubblicazioni recenti sulle Comunità europee ricevuti dalla biblioteca = Recente publikaties over de Europese Gemeenschappen ontvangen door de bibliotheek

タイトルNye publikationer om europæiske fællesskaber modtaget af biblioteket = Neuerscheinungen über die Europäischen Gemeinschaften eingegangen in der Bibliothek = Προσφατεζ δημοσιευειζ για τιζ ευρωπαικεζ κοινοτητεζ πον εχουν παραληφθει απο τη βιβλιοθηκη = Recent publications on the European Communities received by the library = Publications récentes sur les Communautés européennes reçus par la bibliothèque = Pubblicazioni recenti sulle Comunità europee ricevuti dalla biblioteca = Recente publikaties over de Europese Gemeenschappen ontvangen door de bibliotheek
巻次(年月次)Årg. 27, 1 (jan. 1985)-Årg. 35, 12 (Dec. 1993)
出版者Bruxelles : Kommissionen for de europæiske fællesskaber , 1985-1993
形態9 v. ; 30 cm
別誌名Nye publikationer om De Europæiske fællesskaber modtaget af biblioteket
Recientes publicaciones sobre las Communidades Europeas recibidas por la biblioteca
Publicações recentes sobre as Comunidades Europeias recebidas pela biblioteca
Prosphatez dēmosieyeiz gia tiz eyrōpaikez koinotētez pon echoyn paralēphthei apo tē bibliothēkē
注記Title varies: Nye publikationer om De europæiske fællesskaber modtaget af biblioteket, Årg. 27, 5 (maj 1985)-Årg. 35, 12 (Dec. 1993)
Vols. for Årg. 1986, 1-1993. Dec. have parallel title: Recientes publicaciones sobre las Communidades Europeas recibidas por la biblioteca; and Publicações recentes sobre as Comunidades Europeias recebidas pela biblioteca
Cumulates annually in the December issue
件名LCSH:EuropeanEconomicCommunitycountries -- Bibliography -- Periodicals
LCSH:CommissionoftheEuropeanCommunities.Library(Brussels,Belgium) -- Catalogs
著者情報Commission of the European Communities. Library (Brussels, Belgium)
番号LCCN : 86650530
継続前誌名Bulletin des acquisitions de la bibliothèque = List of additions to the library = Verzeichnis der Neuerwerbungen der Bibliothek = Bollettino delle acquisizioni della biblioteca = Lijst van aanwinsten van de bibliotheek = Bibliotekets fortegnelse over nyerhvervelser <AA10524615>
Publications and documents of the EC received by the library = Publications et documents des CE reçus par la bibliothèque / Commission of the European Communities <AA10533230>
継続後誌名Publicaciones recientes sobre la Unión Europea recibidas por la Biblioteca = Nye publikationer om den Europæiske Union modtaget af Biblioteket = Neuerscheinungen über die Europäischen Union eingegangen in der Bibliothek = Recent publications on the European Union received by the Library <AA11000165>
WebCatPlus    CiNii Books
1図書館(雑誌-洋)27-28,29(1-11),30-34,35(1-11) 1985-1993 配列標題:EC