検索条件入力検索結果一覧:(本学所蔵) > Ratificación del Tratado de la Unión Europea : Trabajos preparatorios

タイトルRatificación del Tratado de la Unión Europea : Trabajos preparatorios / [Comunidades Europeas, Tribunal de Justicia]
出版者Luxemburgo : Oficina de Publicaciones Oficiales de las Comunidades Europeas , 1996
形態15 v. ; 30 cm
別書名Ratificering af traktaten om Den Europæiske Union
Ratifizierung des Vertrages über die Eudropäische Union
Κυρωση τηζ Συνθηκηζ νια την Ευρωπαικη Ενωση
Ratification of the Treaty on European Union
Ratification du traité sur l'Union européenne
Ratifica del Trattato sull'Unione europea
Ratificatie van het Verdrag betreffende de Europese Unie
Ratificação do Tratado da União Europeia
Euroopan unionista tehdyn sopimuksen ratifiointi
Ratificeringen av Fördraget om Europeiska unionen
注記"Preparations for the ratification by the Member States of the European Communities of the Treaty on European Union signed at Maastricht on 7 February 1992. Documents collected by the Library Division of the Court of Justice of the European Communities."--half t.p
Text in: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish
LCSH:Europe -- Treaties
LCSH:Treaties -- Ratification
著者情報Court of Justice of the European Communities
ISBN9282902994(: set)
928290315X(v. 1: Belgique/België 1)
9282903001(v. 2: Belgique/België 2)
928290301X(v. 3: Danmark)
9282903028(v. 4: Deutschland)
9282903036(v. 5: Ελλαζ)
9282903044(v. 6: España)
9282903168(v. 7: France 1)
9282903052(v. 8: France 2)
9282903060(v. 9: Ireland)
9282903176(v. 10: Italia 1)
9282903079(v. 11: Italia 2)
9282903087(v. 12: Luxembourg)
9282903095(v. 13: Nederland)
9282903109(v. 14: Portugal)
9282903117(v. 15: United Kingdom)
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1v. 1: Belgique/België 10図書館(書庫)333.7:C:1028008607 利用可  
2v. 2: Belgique/België 20図書館(書庫)333.7:C:2028008606 利用可  
3v. 3: Danmark0図書館(書庫)333.7:C:3028008605 利用可  
4v. 4: Deutschland0図書館(書庫)333.7:C:4028008604 利用可  
5v. 5: Ελλαζ0図書館(書庫)333.7:C:5028008603 利用可  
6v. 6: España0図書館(書庫)333.7:C:6028008602 利用可  
7v. 7: France 10図書館(書庫)333.7:C:7028008601 利用可  
8v. 8: France 20図書館(書庫)333.7:C:8028008600 利用可  
9v. 9: Ireland0図書館(書庫)333.7:C:9028008599 利用可  
10v. 10: Italia 10図書館(書庫)333.7:C:10028008598 利用可  
11v. 11: Italia 20図書館(書庫)333.7:C:11028008597 利用可  
12v. 12: Luxembourg0図書館(書庫)333.7:C:12028008596 利用可  
13v. 13: Nederland0図書館(書庫)333.7:C:13028008595 利用可  
14v. 14: Portugal0図書館(書庫)333.7:C:14028008594 利用可  
15v. 15: United Kingdom0図書館(書庫)333.7:C:15028008593 利用可  
