検索条件入力検索結果一覧:(本学所蔵) > Development, globalization, sustainability

タイトルDevelopment, globalization, sustainability / edited by D.J. Huppatz
出版者London : Bloomsbury Academic , 2016
形態xxvii, 269 p. ; 25 cm
内容注記Precariousness and ambiguity: industrial design in dependent countries / Gui Bonsiepe
Rethinking design policy in the third world / Sulfikar Amir
Design in India: the experience of transition / Ashoke Chatterjee
Design for the other ninety percent / Paul Polak
Overview of the state of graphic design in Africa / Haig David-West
Reading isotype / Ellen Lupton
Global hype and reality / Christopher Lorenz
Disjuncture and difference in the global cultural economy / Arjun Appadurai
Technology for quality enhancement: connoisseur's guide to soy sauce and the motorized tea house / Kenji Ekuan
Design and the state: post-war horizons and pre-millenial aspirations / Jonathan M. Woodham
The evolution of design and design management in China / Cai Jun
Visual style / Wally Olins
Globalizing corporate identity in Hong Kong: rebranding two banks / D.J. Huppatz
Progress through planned obsolescence / Vance Packard
Waste equals food / William McDonough and Michael Braungart
Lightness / John Thackera
The imperaive and redirection and design as redirective practice / Tony Fry
Collaborative organizations and enabling solutions : social innovation and design for sustainability / Ezio Manzini and François Jégou
Design process and sustainable development : a journey in design / Stuart Walker
注記ISBN for series "Design": 9781472539366
Includes bibliographical references
シリーズ名Critical and primary sources[Design ; v. 4]
件名LCSH:Design -- History
LCSH:Design -- Socialaspects
著者情報Huppatz, D. J.
Bonsiepe, Gui, 1934-
Amir, Sulfikar
Chatterjee, Ashoke, 1935-
Polak, Paul
David-West, Pryde Haig, 1946-
Lupton, Ellen
Lorenz, Christopher, 1946-
Appadurai, Arjun, 1949-
栄久庵, 憲司(1929-) (エクアン, ケンジ)
Woodham, Jonathan M.
蔡, 军(1955-) (サイ, グン)
Olins, Wally
Packard, Vance Oakley, 1914-
McDonough, William
Braungart, Michael, 1958-
Thackera, John, 1951-
Fry, Tony
Manzini, Ezio
Jégou, François, 1965-
Walker, Stuart, 1955-
ISBN9781472530998(: hb)
無効/取消ISBN9781472539366(: hb)
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