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名称(HDNG)Geometry Conference for Friendship of China and Japan
から見よ(SF)Geometry Conference for the Friendship of Japan and China
Geometry Conference for the Friendship of China and Japan
Geometry Conference for the Friendship between China and Japan
日中友好幾何学研究集会||ニッチュウ ユウコウ キカガク ケンキュウ シュウカイ
中日友好微分几何会议||チュウニチ ユウコウ ビブン キカ カイギ||zhong ri you hao wei fen ji he hui yi
日中幾何学研究集会||ニッチュウ キカガク ケンキュウ シュウカイ
注記(NOTE)日中幾何学研究集会 (http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~afutaki/conferences/geom_conf_j.html) (閲覧20161205): (期間 2005年12月20日-12月23日, 場所 佐賀県唐津市 ... )
The 5th Geometry Conference for Friendship of Japan and China (http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~tamaru/sympo/jc5/index-j.html) viewed Dec. 05, 2016: (研究集会名: 第5回日中友好幾何学研究集会 期間: 2010年1月28日(木)~2月3日(水) ... (沖縄県国頭郡恩納村 ... ) ... )
The 7th Geometry Conference for the Friendship of Japan and China (http://www.math.titech.ac.jp/~kotaro/jc-geom/index-en.html) viewed Dec. 05, 2016: ( ... Schedule, January 09 --- January 15, 2012 ... )
Invited Talks (http://faculty.math.tsinghua.edu.cn/~hli/talks.htm) viewed Dec. 05, 2016: ( ... September of 2012: The 8th Geometry conference for friendship of Japan and China", Organizer, September 7-13, 2012, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China. ... )
The 9th Geometry Conference for the Friendship of Japan and China (https://www.math.tohoku.ac.jp/people/miyaoka/mod4chinajapan/mod4chinajapan/index.html) viewed Dec. 05, 2016: (Date: 31th Aug. -6th Sept. 2013, ... Sapporo ... )
The 10th Geometry Conference for the Friendship between China and Japan (http://math.fudan.edu.cn/science/Conference/GC2014/) viewed Dec. 05, 2016: (Sep 7-11, 2014, ... Shanghai, China ...)
SRC:Geometry and topology of manifolds : 10th China-Japan Geometry Conference held in Shanghai, China, September 2014 / Akito Futaki...[et al.], editors(Springer, c2016)): p. v (This volume is the Proceedings of the 10th Geometry Conference for the Friendship of China and Japan. ... ) p. vi (第3回日中友好幾何学研究集会 The 3rd Geometry Conference for the Friendship of Japan and China January 26-29, 2008 ... Nagoya University) p. vii (The 4th Geometry Conference for the Friendship of China and Japan, ...Tianjin, Dec. 22-27, 2008, The 5th conference in Okinawa) p. viii (The 6th Geometry Conference for the Friendship of China and Japan, 第六届中日友好微分几何会议 2010.09 西北大学 The 6th conference in Xian, The 7th conference in Tokyo) p. ix (The 8th conference in Chengdu, The 9th conference in Hokkaido) p. x (The 10th Geometry Conference for the Friendship of China and Japan, September 7-11, 2014, Shanghai)