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名称(HDNG)佐武, 正雄(1927-)||サタケ, マサオ
から見よ(SF)Satake, Masao
Masao Satake
注記(NOTE)東北学院大学工学部教授, 東北大学名誉教授(専門は材料力学, 構造力学, 工博)
Dept. of Civil Engin., Tohoku Univ.
His Mechanics of granular materials : new models and constitutive relations, 1983
EDSRC:構造力学の基礎 / 佐武正雄, 村井貞規共著(技報堂出版, 1994.8)
1連続体の力学 / 佐武正雄 [ほか] 著 ; 1: 基礎, 2: 構造, 3: 流体. -- 彰国社, 1979-1984. -- (土木工学大系 / 土木工学大系編集委員会編 ; 5-7).図書館(書庫) 510.8:D:5
図書館(書庫) 510.8:D:6
図書館(書庫) 510.8:D:7
2Mechanics of granular materials : new models and constitutive relations : proceedings of the U.S./Japan Seminar on New Models and Constitutive Relations in the Mechanics of Granular Materials, Ithaca, New York, August 23-27, 1982 / edited by James T. Jenkins and Masao Satake ; : hard. -- Elsevier, 1983. -- (Studies in applied mechanics ; 7).図書館(書庫) 501.3:J
3Proceedings of the U.S.-Japan Seminar on Continuum Mechanical and Statistical Approaches in the Mechanics of Granular Materials, presented at U.S.-Japan Seminar Sendai Japan, June 5-9, 1978, jointly sponsored by U.S. National Science Foundation, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science / edited by Stephen C. Cowin, Masao Satake. -- Gakujutsu Bunken Fukyu-Kai (Association for Science Documents Information), [1978?].図書館(書庫) 501.3:C
4構造力学の基礎 / 佐武正雄, 村井貞規共著 ; 1, 2. -- 技報堂出版, 1994.8-1996.7.図書館(閲覧室) 501.3:Sa:1
図書館(閲覧室) 501.3:Sa:2
5Advances in micromechanics of granular materials : proceedings of the second US/Japan seminar on micromechanics of granular materials, Potsdam, NY. USA, August 5-9, 1991 / edited by Hayley H. Shen ... [et al.]. -- Elsevier, 1992. -- (Studies in applied mechanics ; 31).図書館(書庫) 501.3:S
6連続体の力学序説 / 佐武正雄著. -- 彰国社, 2000.4.図書館(閲覧室) 423.1:Sa
7Micromechanics of granular materials : proceedings of the U.S./Japan Seminar on the Micromechanics of Granular Materials, Sendai-Zao, Japan, October 26-30, 1987 / edited by Masao Satake and James T. Jenkins. -- Elsevier, 1988. -- (Studies in applied mechanics ; 20).図書館(書庫) 501.3:S