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名称(HDNG)Christner, Ray W.
から見よ(SF)クリストナー, R. W.||クリストナー, R. W.
Christner, Ray W., 1972-
注記(NOTE)School-based mental health : a practitioner's guide to comparative practices / edited by Ray W. Christner, Rosemary B. Mennuti (Routledge , c2009): back cover
School psychologist for the South Middleton School District in Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania
Director of Cognitive Health Solutions, LLC
Cognitive-behavioral interventions in educational settings, 2005: ECIP t.p. (Ray W. Christner) data view (b. Mar. 4, 1972) galley (Ray W. Christner, Psy.D., NCSP; faculty member, Dept. of Psychology, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine)
EDSRC:A practical guide to building professional competencies in school psychology / Timothy M. Lionetti, Edward P. Snyder, Ray W. Christner (Springer, c2011)
EDSRC:子どもの心の問題支援ガイド : 教育現場に活かす認知行動療法 / R.B.メヌッティ, R.W.クリストナー, A.フリーマン編(金剛出版, 2018.7)