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名称(HDNG)茨城大学理学部数学教室||イバラキ ダイガク リガクブ スウガク キョウシツ
から見よ(SF)Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University
をも見よ(SAF)茨城大学理学部数理科学科||イバラキ ダイガク リガクブ スウリ カガクカ <DA11176483>
注記(NOTE)SRC:Bulletin of the Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University. Ser. A, Mathematics(Department of Mathematics, Faculty of science, Ibaraki University, 1968-)
EDSRC:Bulletin of the Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University. Series A, Mathematics(Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University, 1968-)
EDSRC:Mathematical journal of Ibaraki University, May 1997: cover (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University)によってSAFフィールドを追加