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16 件中の 1-1012
153rd meeting and technical exhibition, Florence, Italy 26 May - 30 May 1991 : technical programme and abstracts of papers (oral and poster presentations) / European Association of Exploration Geophysicists. -- European Association of Exploration Geophysicists, c1991.図書館(書庫) 450:E
254th meeting and technical exhibition, Paris, France 1-5 June 1992 : technical programme and abstracts of papers (oral and poster presentations) / European Association of Exploration Geophysicist. -- [s.n.], c1992.図書館(書庫) 450:E
3The earth's crust : a new approach to physical geography and geology / by L. Dudley Stamp with a foreword by Isaiah Bowman. -- G.G. Harrap, 1951.図書館(書庫) 454:S783:1
4Fractals and chaos in geology and geophysics / Donald L. Turcotte. -- Cambridge University Press, c1992.図書館(書庫) 450.1:T
5Fundamentals of geophysical hydrodynamics / Felix V. Dolzhansky ; [scientific editors, A.E. Gledzer, E.B. Gledzer] ; translated by Boris Khesin. -- Springer, c2013. -- (Encyclopaedia of mathematical sciences / editor-in-chief, R.V. Gamkrelidze ; v. 103 . Mathematical physics / Jürg Fröhlich ... [et al.] subseries editors ; 4).理数学 450.1:D
6Geophysical fluid dynamics / Joseph Pedlosky ; : us : hard - : gw : pbk. -- 2nd ed. -- Springer-Verlag, c1987.図書館(書庫) 455:P
7Geophysical inverse theory / by Robert L. Parker. -- Princeton University Press, 1994. -- (Princeton series in geophysics).図書館(書庫) 450.1:P
8Geophysical theory / William Menke, Dallas Abbott ; lib. bdg.. -- Columbia University Press, c1990.図書館(書庫) 450.1:W
9Geophysics / Japanese National Committee for Upper Mantle Project. -- Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, 1972. -- (The crust and upper mantle of the Japanese area ; pt. 1).図書館(書庫) 450.1:J35c
10The history of geophysics in Finland : 1828-1918 / by Heikki Simojoki ; [translated from the Finnish manuscript by Peter Jones]. -- Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 1978. -- (The history of learning and science in Finland, 1828-1918 ; 5b).図書館(書庫) 450.2:S
16 件中の 1-1012