検索条件入力書誌詳細 > 関連資料一覧:(本学所蔵)
1682 件中の 1-1012345678910...>>
1The breakdown of capitalism : a history of the idea in western Marxism, 1883-1983 / F.R. Hansen. -- Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985.図書館(書庫) 331.6:H
2The British Marxist historians : an introductory analysis / Harvey J. Kaye ; , : pbk. -- Polity Press, 1984.図書館(書庫) 331.6:K
3Capitalist enterprise and social progress / by Maurice Dobb. -- Hyperion reprint ed. -- Hyperion Press, 1980.図書館(書庫) 331.1:D
4The crisis of Keynesian economics : a Marxist view / Geoffrey Pilling ; : [hc], : pbk, . -- Croom Helm, c1986.図書館(書庫) 331.7:P
5Economic theories in a non-Walrasian tradition / Takashi Negishi ; , : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 1985. -- (Historical perspectives on modern economics).図書館(書庫) 331.2:N
6Employment and equilibrium : a theoretical discussion / by A.C. Pigou. -- 2nd (rev.) ed. -- Macmillan, 1949.図書館(書庫) 331.4:P633:1
7Epochs of economic theory / A.K. Dasgupta. -- B. Blackwell, 1985.図書館(書庫) 331.2:D
8History of modern non-Marxian economics : from marginalist revolution through the Keynesian revolution to contemporary monetarist counter-revolution / Antal Mátyás ; , pbk.. -- 2nd ed.. -- Macmillan, c1985. -- (Radical economics).図書館(書庫) 331.2:M
9L'œuvre économique de Simonde de Sismondi / par Albert Aftalion. -- Pedone, 1899.図書館(書庫) 330.8:S
10Marx's 'Capital' and capitalism today / Antony Cutler ... [et al.] ; v. 1 - v. 2 : pbk. -- Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977-1978.図書館(書庫) 331.3:M
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