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名称(HDNG)Commission of the European Communities. Library (Brussels, Belgium)
から見よ(SF)Commission of the European Communities. Bibliothèque (Brussels, Belgium)
Commission of the European Communities. Bibliothek (Brussels, Belgium)
Commission of the European Communities. Biblioteca (Brussels, Belgium)
Commission of the European Communities. Bibliotheek (Brussels, Belgium)
Commission of the European Communities. Bibliotekets (Brussels, Belgium)
Kommissionen for de europæiske Fællesskaber
注記(NOTE)Its Bulletin des acquisitions ... janv. 1980: t.p. (Bibliothèque; Commission des communautés européennes; Library; Bibliothek; Biblioteca; Bibliotheek; Bibliotekets) p. 11 (Bibliothèque Bruxelles)
Phone call to B. Sloan, libr., European Community Information Service, 1/26/82 (Commission of the European Communities has two libraries: in Brussels & in Luxembourg)
World of learn., p. 152, under Belgium, libraries & archives (Library of the Commission of the European Communities, f. 1958)
Europa yrbk., 1981
1Biblio east. Document interne = Biblio est = Biblio Ost. -- 'No. 1 (1990)-no. 22 (1993) ; 1994, no. 1 (1994)-2001, no. 4 (2001)'.図書館(雑誌-洋)
2Biblio. Country reports. -- '1993, no 1 (1993)-2000, no 1 (2000)'.図書館(雑誌-洋)
3Biblio Europe. -- '1994, no 1 (1994)-2001, no 4 (2001)'.図書館(雑誌-洋)
4Publicaciones recientes sobre la Unión Europea recibidas por la Biblioteca = Nye publikationer om den Europæiske Union modtaget af Biblioteket = Neuerscheinungen über die Europäischen Union eingegangen in der Bibliothek = Recent publications on the European Union received by the Library. -- '36, 1 (1994)-'.図書館(雑誌-洋)
5Biblio 1992. -- No 1 (1989)-no 33 (1992).図書館(雑誌-洋)
6Nye publikationer om europæiske fællesskaber modtaget af biblioteket = Neuerscheinungen über die Europäischen Gemeinschaften eingegangen in der Bibliothek = Προσφατεζ δημοσιευειζ για τιζ ευρωπαικεζ κοινοτητεζ πον εχουν παραληφθει απο τη βιβλιοθηκη = Recent publications on the European Communities received by the library = Publications récentes sur les Communautés européennes reçus par la bibliothèque = Pubblicazioni recenti sulle Comunità europee ricevuti dalla biblioteca = Recente publikaties over de Europese Gemeenschappen ontvangen door de bibliotheek. -- 'Årg. 27, 1 (jan. 1985)-Årg. 35, 12 (Dec. 1993)'.図書館(雑誌-洋)
7EF-publikationer og dokumenter modtaget af biblioteket. Supplement = Veröffentlichungen und Dokumente der EG Eingegangen in der Bibliothek. Beilage = Publications and documents of the EC received by the library. Supplement.図書館(雑誌-洋)
8Biblio international. -- '2000, no. 2 (2000)-2001, no. 4 (2001)'.図書館(雑誌-洋)
9Biblio-flash. -- '-no. 60 (1993) ; 1994, no. 1 (1994)-'.図書館(雑誌-洋)
10Biblio 12. -- No 1 (1993)-no 4 (oct. 1993).図書館(雑誌-洋)